Friday, 25 March 2022

[MO412] Quizz Question 1


Pedro and Sofia are brothers, and they argue pretty often. Their mother is a lovely and calm person, but today she is stressed out because of her work and has decided to ground them for arguing so often. She left them an exercise to solve to get out of detention. As exercise, their mother drew a graph (image below) and asked her children if the following statements about the graph are true or false: 

I. The edge between nodes BD is a bridge
II. The shortest path between the nodes E and C is 3
III. The graph diameter is 6 
IV. The graph is disconnected
V. By removing the edges BD and EA the resulting graph has two connected components
 Your task is to help the kids to mark only the options that contain only the correct statements. Consider that the graph is undirected and each link has weight equal to 1. 

a) only I, II, V are correct
b) only I, III, and IV are correct 
c) only III, and V are correct
d) only II, III, and V are correct
e) None of the above

Original idea by: Levy Chaves

Quizz Question 13

 Considering a network with six nodes, in how many ways we can divide this network into two subgraphs of sizes $N_ {1}$ = $N_{2}$ = $3$ ?  a...