Saturday, 28 May 2022

[MO412] Quizz Question 09 - Network Flows

Consider the statements in below about network flows:  


I) The maximal flow in the following network is 10 

II) Given the following graph with its corresponding max flow and capacities from s to t 
The residual graph associated to the above solution is the following:  

III) The push-relabeled based algorithms are the ones which involves computing a residual network and looking for augmenting paths
IV) The sum of the incoming flow of a vertex u has to be equal to the sum of the outgoing flow of u, except in the source and sink nodes 

Given these statements, mark the alternative that all statements are true:

a) only I, and IV 
b) only III, and IV
c) only II, and III
d) only I, II, and IV
e) None of the above 

Original idea by: Levy Chaves

Saturday, 21 May 2022

[MO412] Quizz Question 08 - Barabási-Albert Model

Considering a Barabási-Albert network with $10^{3}$ nodes and $m=4$. Choose the alternative that describe the average degree, diameter, and clustering coefficient, respectively. Round up two decimal places: 


a) Avg. Degree = 8, Diameter = 3.90, Clustering Coeff. = 0.48  
b) Avg. Degree = 8, Diameter = 3.57, Clustering Coeff. = 0.05
c) Avg. Degree = 4, Diameter = 5.48, Clustering Coeff. = 0.09
d) Avg. Degree = 8, Diameter = 3.57, Clustering Coeff. = 0.50
e) None of the above. 

Original idea by: Levy Chaves 

Saturday, 7 May 2022

[MO412] Quizz Question 7

Hello Prof. Medians, this week I decided to change this question published in April, 20, 2022, regarding BFS. Thank you. 


Quizz Question 13

 Considering a network with six nodes, in how many ways we can divide this network into two subgraphs of sizes $N_ {1}$ = $N_{2}$ = $3$ ?  a...